In our latest ‘Getting to know Chelsea Women’ feature forward Bethany England is the next player who we have chosen to get to know a little better on and off the pitch…

The Chelsea No.9 tells us her football heroes, who is the funniest player in the dressing room and shares what she likes to do in her spare time…

What are you watching on Netflix at the moment?

I’m watching Power, I really like that. I have just finished watching Suits too.

Who is your favourite artist and favourite song?

My favourite ever artist is Kelly Clarkson, growing up I loved her and my favourite song is ‘Hazel Eyes’.

Do you have any pre-match rituals?

On the day of a game I’ll always have a shower and wash my hair at home and I always put tape on my wrist.

Who is the funniest person in the dressing room and why?

That’s a tough one! But Ji is the funniest because she knows she can get away with stuff that we can’t because she pretends that she can’t speak English. It’s funny.

Do you have a childhood football hero?

Male, it’s Steven Gerrard and female it’s Rachel Yankey. Even though Gerrard played a different position to me, the goals he used to score, his vision and his passion, I just loved it. Yankey for me was the best, I used to play wing quite a lot as a kid and because of that she was my inspiration.

What are you studying at university?

I’m studying Law. I have another three years left because I’m doing it part time.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I’m not a coffee drinker like most the girls, so I just walk the dog, study or go round Fran [Kirby] or Soph’s Sophie Ingle house for a movie night.

What made you decide to get your puppy Buddy?

I love dogs, they are the best thing in the world. Most of the girls have got dogs so it’s nice to have my own.

If you could take only three things with you on a desert island, what would they be?

Definitely chocolate, definitely my dog Buddy and sunscreen because I’d burn.

Tell us something interesting about yourself…

I have 16 or 17 tattoos. And when I was younger I used to be able to spin on my head but I don’t know if I can now because I haven’t tried for years!

What is your favourite season and why?

I love the summer for holidays, but to play football in I love the weather now because it’s not too warm and it’s not too cold yet.

What is your favourite food?

I love lasagne and garlic bread, although I love chicken pie as well.

Do you have any siblings?

I have a twin and I have got an older sister. My twin is 30 seconds older than me and never lets me forget it.

Are you good at any other sports?

I’m good at badminton, I haven’t really played it in a while but I used to play county level.

Read: Getting to Know - Magdalena Eriksson