During this unusual period without football, we caught up with some of our Academy players to find out what they are getting up to with their spare time indoors.
Last time, Tariq Uwakwe shared his tips for getting through the self-isolation period. Next up is defender Ian Maatsen, who talks us through his time at home...
What are you watching on Netflix at the moment?
'Queen Sono on Netflix. It’s the first African series by Netflix and it's about an orphan who is a spy working for an agency to protect the entire continent. I’m still in the first season but there is a new one coming out soon - it’s good so far!'
What music have you been listening to?
'When I do my workouts at home, or go for a jog outside, I mostly listen to Meek Mill and Drake but I’m open to all types of music. Those two artists just get you in the mood for work.'
Which apps have you been using most while at home?
'Instagram and Snapchat mainly. I use these to talk with my friends and family members, sending funny challenges, videos and pictures.'
Read: Remembering our first UEFA Youth League title five years ago
What else have you been doing with your spare time?
'With my spare time now, I’m helping my parents around the house a lot and making music with my big brother. In the evening, we usually play games as a whole family.'
What have you been doing to maintain fitness during this period?
'To keep fit I enjoy doing lots of home workouts using the programme given to us by the sports science team. I also enjoy jogging outside, which is always a challenge.'
Catch up on recent isolation interviews with Armando Broja and Tariq Uwakwe.