During this unusual period without football, we caught up with some of our Academy players to find out what they are getting up to with their spare time indoors.

Ian Maatsen was the last in our feature and up next is defender Jack Wakely, who talks us through his lockdown go-to's...

What two things are you watching on Netflix at the moment?

'I’m currently watching Money Heist as part four has just come out. It’s really exciting and I would definitely recommend it to someone who needs something new to watch during this lockdown period. As the title suggests, it’s about a heist at the Royal Mint of Spain.

'I’ve also recently watched Focus with Will Smith and Margot Robbie, which isn’t on Netflix but is arguably my all-time favourite film about a con artist with some romance.'

What two albums/artists are you listening to right now?

'I have been enjoying a lot of Stormzy’s music recently, especially while keeping up with my gym work at home as it gets me pushing myself. Also, while it’s not really music, I have been avidly listening to Peter Crouch’s podcast while I run - it’s really entertaining and keeps my mind occupied.'

What two apps you are using the most at the moment?

'While I use Instagram to keep up-to-date on social media with my friends and some family members as well as showing others what I’m up to, I must admit I have been using TikTok a fair amount and it’s really popular at the moment for people that don’t know about it yet. I particularly liked Christian Pulisic’s recent TikTok to Drake’s ‘Toosie Slide.'

Which two video games are you spending the most time on at the moment?

'I’m not a massive gamer. I occasionally play some Fifa but during this lockdown period I’ve tried to spend as much time with my family as possible. We’ve enjoyed some competitive Monopoly games - I hate losing, even if it’s Monopoly - and I’ve also learned a fun card game called Canasta.'

Is there anything you can get done now that you have more time on your hands during isolation?

'While I’m desperate to get back to football, training and playing matches, there has been time for other interests. I am a keen cook so I’ve been helping out with the cooking at home and since Lent has finished (I gave up chocolate), I’ve made some creme egg cupcakes which were delicious.

'I have also been doing a course in financial trading for about a year, so it’s given me a chance to progress further with that too.'

What have you been doing to maintain fitness during this period?

'I’ve been doing a lot to keep fit if I’m honest. The club has been great with providing us fitness and gym programmes so I’ve followed that as well as going out for longer runs around my area.

'My brother is of a similar age to me so we’ve been playing some football in the garden at home too. I have made sure that when we do return to football, I’ll be as sharp as can be.'