Having represented Chelsea for almost seven years, midfielder Erin Cuthbert reached a significant milestone on Sunday as she made her 200th appearance for the Blues.

Growing up in Scotland, Cuthbert loved having a ball at her feet. Educated in dedication and hard work from an early age, she joined Chelsea from Glasgow City in 2016. It was a daunting decision, a departure from home comforts. Yet the exciting new venture would propel her to new heights.

Cuthbert's Blues debut came against Doncaster Rovers Belles in March 2017. It was the first step on her journey to 200 appearances. Chelsea is now home to the 25-year-old and she takes immense pride in representing the badge at every given opportunity.

Wise beyond her years, Cuthbert is viewed as one of the more experienced players within the squad. And she describes the journey she has been on during an incredibly successful seven years as an ‘emotional rollercoaster.’

‘I’d like to think that I’ve evolved a lot as a player,' the midfielder says. I was the young player who was learning from everyone. Don’t get me wrong, the learning process never stops. I’d like to be somebody who leads by example by their actions on the pitch, who people can follow, rally and get behind as teammates.

‘Personal highlights are probably winning the FA Cup at Wembley, scoring in the FA Cup at Wembley. It’s never been about goals for me but when you score, you’re running and doing a knee slide in front of thousands of Chelsea fans who are flying their flags, there isn’t a better feeling than that.

‘Qualifying for the Champions League final was pretty special. Winning the league on the last day against Manchester United. The drama, elation and emotional rollercoaster that was. It’s so difficult to pinpoint exactly the best moments because everytime I put the shirt on, I love playing for the club.

‘I enjoy the good moments but you have to take the bad moments as well. I’ve been lucky enough that during my time at the club, we’ve been incredibly successful. I’ve not felt too many down moments and in comparison with the high moments, the best moments supersede the difficult times.’

One constant during Cuthbert’s time at Chelsea is manager Emma Hayes. Our number 22 speaks fondly of the impact Hayes has made on her as a player and a person, emphasising the unrelenting drive they have to achieve further success.

She explains: ‘Loyalty in football is certainly underrated. It’s no mean feat to be at a club for so long. You’ve got to keep evolving and changing, but I certainly feel the challenge at Chelsea and Emma is a pivotal part of that. She never lets me stand still.

'I’ve gone through all the evolutions at Chelsea. I’ve come on as a substitute, I’ve played a bit part, I’ve then established myself. It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster for me but like myself, I’m sure Emma feels the same in that if it wasn’t a challenge she wouldn’t still be here. We’re those type of people.

‘Emma is somebody who never wants to stand still or settle for what we’ve done so far and what we’ve achieved. Her morals align with mine and I want more trophies here.’

Last year, Cuthbert put pen to paper on a new contract with the Blues and was clear about her ambitions for the future. Her affinity with and love for Chelsea is the catalyst for wanting to give everything as she strives to take her game to another level.

‘I want to see where I can get to,' she says. 'Joining as a young player, you are inexperienced and learning from everyone else. I want to see where my ceiling is, I want to see where I can get to and I know there is more in me.

'It’s just about unlocking that between myself and the staff. I know that Chelsea can help me find another level in my game that I never thought I had.

‘I love playing for the club. When you love it so much and when you have such an affinity to the club, you want to do everything you can every single day and that is certainly how I feel.’