There are exclusive interviews with Axel Disasi and Blues legend Kerry Dixon in tonight’s matchday programme for our maiden Premier League meeting with Luton Town.

It’s our first game back at Stamford Bridge since Axel Disasi joined the list of debutant scorers for the Blues, following his goal on the opening weekend against Liverpool, and the French centre-half sat down with the matchday programme team to discuss that unforgettable feeling and some of the other key moments in his career so far.

‘It was very crazy,’ was how he described his debut strike. ‘When I saw the ball go in, I thought about nothing. It was my instinct just to scream, to release everything.

‘That first game was top. It was top. Since I was young, I wanted to play this type of game, and since I became a professional player, people have said to me, “One day, you are going to play in the Premier League.”

‘On my first day here, I went to the Bridge and, even though the stadium was empty, I could sense the fans. Then, when I made my debut, it was a great feeling to see the stadium full – it made me very happy and very proud.’

Another player who was on target on his Chelsea debut, albeit 40 years ago, was Kerry Dixon, a man who went on to score more goals for the club than all but Bobby Tambling and Frank Lampard.

In the programme’s latest Chelsea: Unscripted, one of our most iconic No9s talks about a game in which he came up against the Blues, in the 1994 FA Cup semi-final when he was representing his hometown club, Luton Town.

The tie was a rollercoaster of emotions for Dixon, from almost missing the game through injury to ending the day with a moment he describes as the most humbling of his career.

‘At the end of the game, I went to shake Wisey’s hand – Dennis had been my room-mate at the club – and then the Chelsea fans started singing my name,’ he recalled. ‘Wisey said to me, “Listen to that. It’s unbelievable, I’ve never heard anything like it.” Neither had I.’

There’s plenty more on our history with the Hatters, including club historian Rick Glanvill’s look back at both clubs’ 1991/92 season, which was the last campaign before the Premier League and Luton’s most recent top-flight season prior to their promotion this year.

Mauricio Pochettino and Reece James also share their pre-match thoughts in their regular programme columns, with our captain using the opportunity to address the Chelsea supporters by discussing his recent setback for the first time, after being forced off in our opening match against Liverpool with a knee injury.

Elsewhere, you can find all the goings on from our Women’s and Academy sides through the words of Emma Hayes, Mark Robinson and Hassan Sulaiman. There’s a programme debut for Daniel Finkelstein in the latest Blue Days column, as well as the latest column from one of our fans, where lifelong supporter Chris Wright gives a brilliant account of what it means to be Chelsea.

Make sure to pick up your copy from the programme sellers around Stamford Bridge on Sunday, or order one online from our publications partner Reach Sport here.

If you want to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or any other special occasion, or you just want to let everyone know how much you love the Blues, get in touch with your message and a suitable photo, and we will make sure it is included in the matchday programme. Send your message, along with a photo of the person you want to feature, to [email protected].