Chelsea Foundation recently hosted a week-long festival of online entrepreneur events as part of Global Entrepreneur Week.
Global Entrepreneur Week (GEW), launched by the Global Entrepreneurship Network in 2008, takes place each year with an aim to help people from every walk of life connect to the support they need at every stage of their entrepreneurial journey.For the last six years the Foundation has been involved in GEW and this year it began with 122 start-ups attending our online Edge of the Box Club, with Google delivering a session to help start-ups get their business visible. Google also delivered a session on Live Streaming using YouTube.Throughout the week, the Foundation also hosted our first-ever female entrepreneur focused programme and 100 Brunel University students took part in a business challenge during which they had the opportunity to hear from guest speakers Jon Scammell and Tom Jackson who both work at the club.Employability and enterprise manager Carl Southwell said: ‘Our Education Department provides the skills and mind-set for tomorrow’s businesses across all ages and this week allows us to join other organisations and individuals who share this passion and celebrate what we do.‘Over the five days we were able to collaborate with different age groups on a range of business ideas and skills training.‘The great thing with entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial thinking is there is no speed limit on the learning.‘The option to start your own business or join a start-up business is a more popular choice than ever so we need to be on top of our game to support this, which is a challenge we enjoy.‘A big thank you to everyone who supported this week including Chelsea FC, Google, Brunel University and our participating schools.’Fan engagement lead at Chelsea, Jon Scammell, added: ‘It was fantastic to spend the morning with the Chelsea FC Foundation and students from Brunel University as part of Global Entrepreneurial Week.‘It was a great opportunity for the students to showcase their mental agility, team work and knowledge and I was incredibly impressed by their ideas; some of which we may look to develop in the future.’