In our latest question-and-answer feature with Chelsea Women players, we spoke to Maria Thorisdottir who gave us an insight into her life on and off the pitch…

The defender shares her best Chelsea memory, what she’s watching on Netflix and reveals a special talent she has…

If you could take three things to a desert island, what would they be?

That is so difficult! I would definitely bring my dog Theo, a spear to catch fish to eat and a football of course!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to spend it with my dog and my friends. Now I don’t have my family around but it would normally be my friends, family and my dog.

How long have you had your dog Theo?

I have had him for four and a half years now. I brought him over from Norway.

What would you say your biggest achievement is?

It must be when we won the FA Cup in 2018.

Do you have any other talents other than football?

I was in a juggling group when I was younger with five boys and we performed around different companies and stuff. We juggled with knives, balls and fire while on a unicycle. It was really fun!

Do you like rollercoasters?

Well I get really sick, so no I don’t like them. I normally stay away and watch other people do it, I hold the bags for everyone!

If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Lasagne, it’s my favourite.

Who is your best friend in the team?

I feel like everyone is good friends but I have got really close to Maren [Mjelde], she took care of me when I first arrived at Chelsea. She’s been so helpful and she’s a really nice girl.

Did you play with Maren in Norway?

We played together in the national team but it’s a bit funny because we never really spoke before I joined Chelsea because I had so much respect for her and she was a bit scary!

What are you watching on Netflix?

I’m watching Tiger King at the moment.

If you could have a super power what would it be?

I think it would be to breathe under water or to fly, I can’t decide.

Did you go to university?

Yes I did, but I never finished though. I was studying nursing for two years but it was really difficult to combine with football so I had to quit unfortunately. I started Sport Science too but I had to put that on pause because of football too. Hopefully I can complete these one day.

What do you miss the most about Norway?

It must be the drinking water, the water in England is not good! I really miss Norwegian mountain water.

What is your favourite Chelsea memory?

I think it was when Maren scored the goal against PSG in the quarter-final of the Champions League. I feel that moment was so crazy and it was so cool because Maren had been out for so long with injury and she came back and she scored in injury time.

What is your biggest fear?

Sharks, but I don’t know why. I have never seen one but every time something touches me in the water I’m worried it’s a shark.

What is your favourite thing about England?

I think that must have to be that dogs are allowed off the lead. In Norway dogs have to stay on their lead. So that’s really nice that you can take your dog places and they are able to run around.

What is your favourite English food?

I don’t really like English food, I’m sorry. The most disappointing thing was the Christmas dinner. Everything is different here, it’s just not the same as back home!