Mason Mount has penned the following message on Instagram after having surgery on the injury which Frank Lampard says will most likely keep him out of the remainder of the 2022/23 season...

Mason has played in just three of our last nine games in all competitions, with an injury to his pubic bone the reason for that.

He has now undergone a swift procedure on that issue and he thanked the doctors and nurses who helped him in the following message...

'Had a minor procedure yesterday to sort out a discomfort I had for a while. Everything went well and I’m feeling good,' he wrote.

'Time to rest but can’t wait to get back to training in the coming weeks! Thanks for all your messages of support and a massive thank you to the medical team, doctors and nurses for looking after me.'

On Tuesday, Frank Lampard said this...

'Mason is the same as Reece unfortunately, although he possibly might be back in time for our last game of the season, but that’s not certain.

'Mason has been carrying this pelvic injury for a quite a while, it definitely predates myself by a while.

'He’s been trying, typically, and the medical staff have been trying, but we’ve got to the stage now where he will have minor surgery and that will be probably a four-week recovery, and we all know where that gets us to.'