In our look at the latest Chelsea-related news stories from the media, there is further analysis of the penalty missed against Valencia last night, a Russian star lifts the lid on turning down Stamford Bridge move, and on-loan Lucas Piazon clarifies recent reports…

These stories are samples pulled from external media sources. They do not represent the views or position of Chelsea Football Club.

Azpilicueta describes conversation between Jorginho and Barkley

Although there was talk on the pitch between Chelsea players immediately prior to Ross Barkley’s missed penalty in last night’s defeat by Valencia, our captain Cesar Azpilicueta has revealed Jorginho was encouraging the England midfielder to take the spot-kick according to a report in The Standard.Barkley had come on as a substitute and although there are reports that Jorginho and Willian were disagreeing with Barkley wanting the responsibility of a penalty that would have levelled the scores late on, quoting a post-match interview from Azpilicueta, the Standard states:‘Azpilicueta revealed Barkley - not Jorginho - was Chelsea's designated penalty taker and backed the midfielder to make amends next time. He said: "Ross is one of the best penalty takers in the team."He is one of the first to take one and he had the confidence to shoot. I think he was unlucky hitting the bar and of course he will be disappointed because we could have got a point at the end."They Jorginho and Tammy Abraham] were encouraging him to have the confidence to score. There was high expectation so everyone was trying to take him into the best condition."At the end of the game, a penalty can be decisive and unfortunately this time it went wrong for us. Hopefully next time he scores."’

Golovin opted for Monaco rather than London

Russian international Aleksandr Golovin turned down the chance to join Chelsea last year according to an article in The Mail.

The midfielder, who is now 23, shone as the host nation impressed at the 2018 World Cup and suggests he had the chance to join the Blues or Juventus when he left CSKA Moscow after the tournament.‘Why didn't I move to Juventus or Chelsea?’ he is quoted in the article as saying.'I thought it would be hard for me now in a team like Chelsea or Juventus. For me it's the grandees of football. Probably, if I were a football player from Europe, the transition would have been easier.'And, since I am from Russia, in a big club the situation would be complicated by the lack of knowledge of the language. I did not consult anyone making this choice. Many told me the same Slutsky, Cherchesov, Goncharenko. Everyone had a different opinion.'Instead Golovin moved to the French league and Monaco where he remains today.

Piazon unhappy with chopped interview

Lucas Piazon, currently on loan in Portugal at top division club Rio Ave, has taken to Twitter to put straight what he describes as selective reporting of an interview he gave recently to Portuguese sports paper A Bola.

Piazon joined Chelsea in 2011 and was recently quoted on the loans he has had since and as saying his time at the club is already over.In a tweet he has now posted, the 25-year-old clears up the situation.‘From my long interview with A Bola,’ he writes, ‘some papers in England decided to only report two specific sentences that could have been interpreted as polemic towards Chelsea FC which I am not happy about while they completely disregarded the rest of the interview in which I clearly state that I adore Chelsea FC and everyone working there, that the club welcomed me at 17 years old with open arms and all the staff was always amazing towards me. I then say that unfortunately I didn’t get many opportunities to play but that the Club is not to be blamed for this as I was very young and it’s clearly not easy to play in a Club filled with top players in every position.‘I’d like to clarify that I have always wanted to play for a club like Chelsea and it has always been my ambition but now I am completely focused to have a good season together with my current club Rio Ave FC.’