The season began with English football authorities putting new measures and stronger sanctions in place to tackle anti-social and criminal behaviour at football matches. These have been highlighted recently with a conviction following a Chelsea game.

The Love Football. Protect the Game initiative, backed by the Football Supporters’ Association as well as the Premier League, the FA and other administrative bodies, aims to ensure matches are safe and enjoyable for all and that the actions of a minority do not spoil the game for everyone.

At the Carabao Cup quarter-final at Stamford Bridge in December 2023, an individual ran onto the pitch after the equalising goal and made contact with Newcastle goalkeeper Martin Dubravka.

That individual was arrested and subsequently pleaded guilty in a magistrates’ court to assault by beating and unlawfully going on to a playing area at a football match.

They were issued with a three-year football banning order and fined £807, and in addition were ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £323 and costs of £85 - totalling £1,215. Separately, they received a five-year ban from Chelsea Football Club.

As well as the behaviour being condemned after the game by Mauricio Pochettino (who said: ‘It can put players in danger. It's always disappointing with this type of thing because it's dangerous.’), the judge at the court case explained the sentence was intended to send out a message to deter other people from doing something similar.